Easy Tips To Reduce Calories

06:28am - 22 December 2024

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Calorie is the main reason that causes your weight to increase. How do you lose weight? The only way of losing weight is to reduce the daily intake of calories. But if we have succeeded in losing some weight, what should we do to keep it down?

Here’s an easy and simple way to reduce calories.

Stay away from strict diet!

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It does not mean that you have to go hard on yourself via http://summertomato.com

Strict diet is a very bad way to lose weight. Diet program is easily misunderstood. Dieting does not mean you have to eat once in a day. A diet program is supposed to reduce your daily consumption of less nutritious foods and consume the right amount of calories for your body.

Use just enough salt, sugar, and fat

via http://www.care4ufirst.com

Enough is all it takes via http://www.care4ufirst.com

Sugar, salt and fat is the mother of all calories. But that does not mean you must strictly use no shy salt, sugar and fat. Your body actually needs only enough, not less or over. If you consume it excessively, you will gain weight.

Delicious foods do not always mean healthy food!

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Delicious foods stimulate our taste buds via https://en.wikipedia.org

Change your paradigm! The most delicious foods often, if not always, contain very little nutrition and very high calories. Such foods are ice cream, sweet pastries, chocolate, and many more. Healthy foods might not taste nearly as good, but it contains high nutrition and the effect to your body is tremendous.

From now on, choose that kind of foods! Foods that will increase your well being dramatically!

Sleep is better than eating! As goes the saying from the fasting month..

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You are not a rat via http://www.zliving.com

Many say if you want to lose weight faster, then you should not eat at night. Perhaps this is true, maybe not.

The main reason why you should not eat too much at night is because the body does not do a lot of activities that burn fat and require a lot of energy. So there will be a buildup of energy which is then converted into fat in the body.

If you do not engage in activities that require a lot of energy, then it is better to sleep as opposed to eating.

Do not eat a lot after exercise

via http://www.fitnesshealth101.com

Exercising the right way via http://www.fitnesshealth101.com

This is how people nowadays think about food and exercise. After doing an exercise, they always end up eating a big portion of meal. This is totally wrong. Exercises such as running burn a lot of calories, therefore do not eat a lot afterwards as it would compensate the calories that have been burnt.

Cutting calories is the only way to diet. However, do not totally eliminate calories from your meal portions. Balance is the key. Keeping calories in balance keeps the body healthy.

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