16 Reasons Why Tea Is Good For You

02:09pm - 21 December 2024

It turns out that tea has a lot of fans out there! Tea is the ever humble, versatile drink enjoyed by many classes in the society. Apart from its unique and fine taste, tea is also believed to have a wide variety of health benefits to human body.

Here are 16 reasons why you must be a tea drinker!

1. Consuming tea strengthens the muscles

Strengthens muscles via media1.onsugar.com

Tea increases strength and muscle gains. Scientists have found that catechins (antioxidants) in green tea extract increases the body’s ability to burn fat as a fuel, which increases muscle endurance.

2. Reduced risk of heart attack

Great for lowering heart disease via loss-of-weight-allegiance.com

Drinking tea, especially green tea, can help to reduce the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases. Consuming 2 or more cups of green tea a day may lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and many other diseases.

3. Lowered risk of cancer

Protecting you from cancer via www.redbookmag.com

Being rich in antioxidant, tea is extremely beneficial when it comes to preventing cancer. Types of cancer it can avert including breast cancer, colon, intestine, skin, lung, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, ovarian, prostate and oral cancer. However, do not fully rely on drinking tea to cure cancer. Consuming tea is just a way of maintaining health, not a miracle cure.

4. Drinking tea helps fight free radicals

Teh dapat melawan radikal bebas pada tubuh

Tea can fight free radicals via www.dolynska.com

Tea has the ability to destroy free radicals (which can damage DNA) in the human body. While in our own bodies, can only fight free radicals on their own, so it’s not 100 percent effective. Free radicals are one of the main causes of cancer, heart disease and neurodegeneration.

5. Regular consumption of tea can moisturize the body

Teh daat melembabkan tubuh

Tea moisturizes your body via screativeimage.com

According to a research, drinking tea will not cause dehydration despite caffeine contained in tea. While drinking causes fluid retention, drinking tea is able to replace fluid losses and provide antioxidant.

6. Drinking tea reduces the risk of Parkinson disease

Tea can help to avoid Parkinson disease via  jolynproject.files.wordpress.com

In addition to providing protection against cancer and free radicals, tea also has other benefits as well. Avid tea drinkers have lower chance of developing Parkinson disease compared to non-tea drinkers.

7. Tea can provide protection from UV light

Teh dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap sinar UV

Tea can protect you from UV radiation via www.esseredonnaonline.it

It is well known that frequent exposure to UV light is harmful for our skin. But did you know that green tea can also act as a sunscreen for our body?

8. Tea can keep the waistline tight!

Minum teh juga bisa bikin badan langsing

Drinking tea can slim down your body via www.kawaiibeautyjapan.com

A study proved that people who regularly drink hot tea have lower waistline compared to those who don’t. Scientists speculate that regular consumption of tea can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of diabetes, artery disease and stroke.

9. Tea can reduce harmful effects caused by smoking

Teh dapat melawan rokok

Tea can avoid negaive effects of smoking via farm9.staticflickr.com

Drinking tea may also be able to counter some of the negative effects of smoking. It may even reduce the risk of lung cancer. However, it does not mean that drinking a lot of tea totally spares you from lung cancer.

10. Excellent medication of diabetics

Teh hijau baik untuk mencegah diabetes

Tea works well for treating diabetes via www.benefits-greentea.com

Studies indicate that compounds in green tea are beneficial for treating diabetes problem.

11. Tea accelerates recovery process from radiation

Drinking tea prevents negative impacts of radiation via www.tea-terra.ru

Tea can help the body recovers from radiation. A study found that tea prevents the degeneration of cells after an exposure to radiation. Moreover, tea can also restore skin health after radiation exposure.

12. Tea strengthens the bones

Teh bagus untuk kekuatan tulang

Teh is great for strengthening bones via 2.bp.blogspot.com

Green tea also has benefits for our bones. A study explains that green tea is also useful to increase bones density and strength.

13. Drinking tea can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Teh dapat mencegah penyakit Alzheimer

Tea can prevent Alzheimer’s disease via medicina.ua

Tea can be an effective medication in preventing and treating neurological diseases, especially degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s). Many factors affect the soundness of human brain. Polyphenols contained in green tea can help maintain brain function.

14. Healthy digestive system

Teh melancarkan metabolisme saat berpuasa

Tea enhances metabolism via st3.flashrolls.net

Tea can also be the perfect drink to break the fast. During fasting, both organs of the digestive system and enzyme/hormone have time to rest and regenerate damaged components. The effect is magnified when green tea is regularly consumed.

The catechins contained in tea are also effective in facilitating defecation, significantly lowering the number of metabolites in feces and reducing the smell due to reduced amount of ammonia and sulfides in the feces.

15. Increase vitality

Teh meningkatkan vitalitas saat puasa

Tea increases vitality via elitefon.ru

Early morning meal is highly recommended during fasting period. It serves as the source of energy for doing activities in the afternoon. Consumption of green tea will help to save up energy from carbohydrate intake.

Catechins found in green tea assist the process of breaking down muscle fat, while providing fatty acid which produces energy. This process is able to enhance body endurance.

16. Keeping the mouth and breath fresh

Teh menjaga kesegaran nafas dan mulut saat puasa

Drinking tea ensures fresh breat during fasting period via st.biglion.ru

During the fasting period, the absence of water consumption makes the mouth dry and leads to decreased production of saliva. This causes bad breath.

Catechins in tea are useful for inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which causes bad breath. Drinking one cup of green tea after a meal helps to freshen breath and mouth.

Below are some insights about tea that you should know..

1. Do not drink tea that is too hot

Jangan meminum teh dalam keadaan terlalu panas

Don’t sip your tea bubbling hot! via arthawall.com

Drinking bubbling hot tea often can lead to esophageal cancer. After brewing the tea, let it rest for a few minutes to let the temperature drop down.

2. Results of laboratory studies may not always be true

Hasil penelitian tidak selalu akurat

Results of scientific study are not always accurate via www.erac.nl

Results of a scientific study might seem convincing. However, the chemicals contained in tea may have a different reaction in laboratory as in human body. Beneficial substances contained in green tea might not work as well in human body as in laboratory.

3. Not all kinds of tea match to a body condition

Tidak semuajenis teh cocok untuk tubuh kita

Not every kind of tea suits our body via www.experiencetravelgroup.com

Every type of tea is not equal. Likewise, not all types of tea can be matched with what our bodies need. The benefits of tea can we consume is determined by the type of tea, processing, packaging and presentation.

So many benefits that we can get from tea. As well as having many benefits for human health, most teas are safe to consume. But as always, balance is the key. Overconsumption of tea might also have a negative impact to your body.

The article is sourced from Time Magazine.

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