5 Ways To Avoid Beer Belly

01:16am - 08 September 2024

Semuanya itu dari kamu dan niat kamu, ayo bergerak untuk sehat via http://itsvmfitness.blogspot.co.id/

It’s all on you! Live a healthier life! via http://itsvmfitness.blogspot.co.id/

Middle-aged man and a gigantic belly seem to be inseparable these days. Although stereotypically men are more prone to this problem, there is an increasing number of women who are complaining about the same thing. But not to worry, there are many things that can help you to prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

Abdominal fat is dangerous because it represents the amount of visceral fat. Visceral fat is closely linked to the risk of metabolic diseases such as heart disease and artery disease. Artery disease or peripheral vascular disease is the narrowing of blood vessels in the abdomen, legs and arms.

Just like any other fat reduction process, belly fat can also be trimmed by increasing physical activity and dietary adjustments.

A study reveals that a one year of an intensely healthy lifestyle can cause 26% reduction of belly fat and 20% increase of cardiorespiratory fitness level.

So, here are the things that you must do to achieve that…

1. Manage your diet by choosing healthy foods

A good dietary habit means more good proteins and less carbohydrates. Foods such as red meat, butter, coconut milk and fried foods contain a lot of saturated fat and thus the consumption of those foods needs to be reduced. Also, stay away from foods that contain high fructose such as soft drinks, cookies and snacks.

Replace those junks with foods that contain complex carbohydrates. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, vegetables, fruits and potatoes are the perfect examples of those foods. Complex carbohydrates are harder to be converted to fat, thus lowering your chance of gaining weight. Remember to always avoid greasy foods. The high calories contained in grease foods trigger the accumulation of fat in the body.

2. Be active!

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You just gotta keep moving! via http://giphy.com

When you do not have enough time to exercise, always remember that small things matter! Forget about making time for gym, but instead, choose walking over riding vehicles for short distances, exercise lightly while watching television rather than sitting or lying down. Those seemingly useless activities can actually make a huge difference!

3. Control your hunger

Get to know your hunger so that you can control it. Sometimes we cannot decide if we are really hungry or just thirsty. To determine whether you are hungry or thirsty, try drinking a glass of water and wait for 15 minutes. If the desire to eat it is gone, it means that you are merely thirsty.

4. Detox your body with Amazing Doctor

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Detox your body using Amazing Doctor via http://amazingfarm.com/product/amazing-doctor

Another way to avoid beer belly is to free your body from grease and toxins. This method is known as detoxification. Consuming a lot of water is the simplest and most natural method of detoxification due to its power to wash away toxins.

Another way to detox is by drinking fruit and vegetable juice. Amazing Doctor is a perfect and convenient solution for those who crave for healthy juice but don’t know how to make them. Amazing Doctor is especially useful to slim down your belly as it contains various types of vegetables.

Consuming infused water is also a form of detoxification. Despite its simplicity, infused water can actually cleanse the toxins in your body, aid weight loss, balance Ph level in the body, cleanse the skin and increase your energy level.

5. Consult to health experts!

Apapun yang kamu lakukan hanya ini penting bagi kamu Via http://www.happyviews.com

Your body matters Via http://www.happyviews.com

Seek for your doctor’s advice before deciding to lose weight. Make sure that your diet program will not have an adverse effect to your body.

Also check if you are on certain medications. Some medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, diabetes, corticosteroid and contraceptive pills might have weight gain as side effect.

So that’s it! These 5 tips will help you achieve a slimmer body and healthier life. Keep in mind that these tips don’t work out overnight! There is no such thing as instant result!

Keep the spirit!

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