This Is What Happens When You Do Diet For A Slimmer Body Instead Of A Healthier Body

01:04pm - 21 December 2024

Having a healthy and proportional body size is everybody’s dream. In addition to exercise, a healthy diet is also necessary to keep your body in good shape. However, many people are going to far by following a strict diet that makes them suffer. Below are the common situations that you’ll likely to face if you commit such diet program.

1. You constantly calculate the number of calories contained in food.

Hitung jumlah kalori

Counting calories via

2. Quite often your breakfast menu is just a bowl of bland oatmeal and a glass of milk.

Sarapannya seperti ini

This is what your breakfast looks like via

3. Chocolate and other foods that contain a lot of sugar and fat is your worst enemy.

Makanan manis

Your ultimate nemesis via

4. While your friends are enjoying foods without limitations…

… You could only stare at them blankly

Sedih liatnya

Staring at it breaks your heart via

While thinking for yourself : “those donuts are killer..”

5. Padang cuisine is absolutely the bomb, but you can’t even touch it

Surga dunia yang tak ada duanya..

The unbeatable Padang food! via

Friend: “Come on! Let’s eat some Padang food..”

You: “Sorry I can’t”

Forget about “pop” chicken, rendang, “gulai”. The only thing you can eat at Padang restaurant is steamed cassava leaves.

6. No wonder if your lunch is only a bowl of salad gado-gado.

Makan siang cukup gado-gado

Gado-gado is your lunch via

When it’s lunch time and you are ready to quell your craving of salad. But.. there is only “gado-gado” available.. #betterthannothing

7. Finally you can eat some salad!

Medley Salad

This is not “gado-gado”. This salad is real. With the almost same price as “gado-gad0”, you get a meal that can fulfill your body’s daily needs of fiber. Amazing Farm salad is the perfect choice for you as our salad is made with high quality ingredients and processed hygienically.

8. In between lunch and dinner, the desire for snacking must be satisfied with a few pieces of wheat crackers.

Biskuit gandum

Whole grain biscuits via

Friends: “Hi! Can I have some?

You: “Sure”

Friends: “Yikes! What is this horrible biscuit?!”

You: “It’s not horrible.. It’s just whole grain biscuits” *bland facial expressions*

8. Apple and banana are the your only menu for dinner. Eating rice at night is a crime.

Apel atau pisang

Apple or banana? via

Friend: “Are you sure this is your only dinner? I there is a great satay across the street”

You: “This is a lot better than what the girl below is having for her dinner..”

9. Or you should be satisfied just by drinking a glass of low fat milk.

Minum susu rendah kalori...

Drinking low-fat milk via

Dinner is a crime for a person on diet.

To keep you filled, a glass of low-fat milk is the only option you have.

Apparently, after successfully losing weight, your old habits start to come around…

10. Old habits of overeating again.

Makan lebih banyak

Time to revenge!

11. Worries became a reality.

Jadi gemuk lagi

After several months of worrying that you might gain some weight back, it becomes reality!

12. Instead of working out to lose some weight, you act like you don’t care

Makan banyak lagi

Friend: “Why do you eat more than before?”

You: “Shut up!”

Friend: “How is your diet?”

You: “I’m done!”

Amazing Doctor

Actually, the diet does not need to be too harsh. The most important thing is to always exercise and eating nutritious-foods while reducing consumption of fatty and sugary foods. Hang around in Amazing Farm website as it tells you a lot of health and weight loss tips! Good luck!

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