High blood pressure or hypertension is a common disease in which blood flows through blood vessels at high pressure. The causes of high blood pressure is multifactorial, meaning there are several factors whose combined effects produce hypertension. Those factors are high salt intake, genetic predisposition to high blood pressure, anxiety, obesity, lack of some nutrients, etc. There are several ways to counteract hypertension, on of which is a healthy diet. Here are seven important foods for lowering high blood pressure:
1. Green vegetables
Consuming green vegetables is crucial for lowering blood pressure. In particular, spinach and celery are the two best types of vegetables that will help you to counteract this disastrous disease.
Spinach is famous for its rich content of magnesium and potassium which are useful for controlling blood pressure. Daily consumption of spinach will increase blood flow and maintain arteries condition.
On the other hand, celery does not only contain potassium, but also phthalide compound. Phthalide compound is able to relax the tissues of the artery walls to increase blood flow and reduce blood pressure. It is also helpful to reduce the impact of stress hormone due to high blood pressure.
2. Skim milk
Well, it turns out that consuming skim milk is one of the best things you can do to counteract hypertension. Fat increases blood pressure. The absence of saturated fat in skim milk will prevent weight gain and maintain cardiovascular health. In addition, the skim milk is low in cholesterol therefore it maintains the cholesterol levels in the body. Fat-free milk contains no cream and fat at all. It is also high in calcium and vitamin D.
3. Tomatoes
Why can tomatoes reduce hypertension? This is closely related to the contents of the tomatoes that are so rich in nutrients. Tomatoes contain 0 grams of vegetable calories which means it is a suitable diet for those who have hypertension.
Tomatoes are long known as substantial source of vitamin B3 and have been a great help in lowering cholesterol level. Leading nutrition experts admit that tomatoes are sources of lycopene antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, protecting you from various forms of cancer and serious illnesses.
4. Garlic, to prevent blood clotting and thickening of blood vessels
5. Wheat and oats
Many studies have shown that consuming wheat can be an alternative medicine for hypertensive patients, as much as reducing it by half. Patients who regularly eat a variety of whole grain products are likely to experience a significant decrease in blood pressure.
How does it work exactly? Oat fiber and magnesium both have a positive effect on blood pressure. Routine consumption of oats can destroy plaque buildups in blood vessels. Consume at least one serving (about three quarters of a cup) of oats per day, or at least six servings per week to feel the benefit.
6. Broccoli
Many nutrition experts praised the broccoli as a superfood due to its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions. A compound in broccoli, glucosinolate, produces a metabolite called sulforaphane that can significantly improve your blood pressure and kidney function. Broccoli is a food with complete nutritional content because it contains fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. All of which are effective in lowering blood pressure. A cup of steamed broccoli provides more than 200 percent of the vitamin C you need each day. It is suggested to eat broccoli on a daily basis to achieve optimal benefit. Add a twist to your boring old recipe by eating it raw with salsa and hummus, or steamed and drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice.
7. Berries (eat at least one cup per day, fresh or frozen)
Berries are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet due to its high content of fiber and antioxidants. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are the types of berries that have great ability to lower blood pressure, thanks to fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and other plant compounds. A cup of strawberries offers 136 percent of the daily value for vitamin C. On the other hand, blueberries contain a compound called pterostilbene which helps prevent plaque buildups in the arteries.
In addition to the seven superfoods mentioned above, drinking a lot of water every day does a great job in reducing nervous tension, which is also one of the factors that can cause hypertension.
Reducing salt intake is a great first step you can do to reduce blood pressure. Sodium contained in salt is one of the major factors that increase blood pressure in the arteries. Spicy foods also have the potential to increase blood pressure, thus make sure to avoid spicy foods.